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What to Expect on a Sunday Morning


We are glad that you are interested in our Congregation, and are pleased to welcome you any Sunday to attend our 10:00 am services.

Our greeters will welcome you at the door and you will be offered the opportunity to create a name tag and fill out a visitor information card, which can be returned to the visitor welcome table after the service, or placed in the offering plate.  If desired, the greeters can answer any questions and help you find a seat. A printed Order of Service will be given to you so that you can see what the morning holds. Inside the Order of Service is also an announcement sheet with information about our congregation.

Our community delights in exploring religious themes while also affirming that logic, reason, and open questioning are a part of our spiritual journeys. We hope you will find this to be a place where you can think and feel for yourself, and shape your own spiritual path. To allow this, our services and sermons seek to create an atmosphere where people can experience wonder and contemplation, as well as intellectual stimulation.  

Some frequently asked questions about worship:

What do I wear?


Wear whatever feels authentic and comfortable! We have some folks who enjoy dressing up for Sunday services, and others who prefer shorts and t-shirts. You are welcome in all your authenticity!

How long do services last?


Generally, our services run an hour or slightly over. Feel free to join us afterwords for coffee and refreshments so we can greet you individually and share more about us!

Is there an offering?


Yes. Each Sunday we take a monetary offering to support the work of the congregation. We don't expect guests to participate unless they feel moved to do so. We share our "plate" with a different group each month.

Who are that person up there that isn't the minister?

Our congregation has a worship associate program that allows lay people to participate with the minister in crafting and leading worship.

What happens to my kids during worship?

Children attend the service for about 10 to 15 minutes in the sanctuary with the adults and then head to their Religious Exploration session in Fellowship Hall. For more information about our Children's Religious Exploration program, please click here.

For any other questions, please call the church office at 914 271 4283. 

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