Sunday Greeters
On Sunday mornings when we gather for worship, Greeters are present to offer welcome to newcomers and old-timers alike! Serving as a Greeter is a wonderful way to get to know folks in our community. If you would like to volunteer as a Greeter, please fill out the contact form below and note *GREETER in the subject line. Then, let us know what Sundays you are willing to help in the message section.
Sunday Servers
After each worship service on Sunday we have a Coffee Hour filled with snacks, drinks, and fellowship! This is a vital part of our Sunday morning experience as it builds community and gives us all a chance to visit and get to know one other better. Volunteers offer their time each Sunday to make sure that the coffee is made, the tables arranged, the snacks put out. If you would like to volunteer as a Server, please fill out the contact form below and note *SERVER in the subject line. Then, let us know what Sundays you are willing to help in the message section.