social justicE COMMITTEE
For centuries, Unitarians and Universalists have been
engaged in working for justice. Unitarians and Universalists
both believed that all people deserved to live freely,
assured of their safety, with options to make their own
lives and this world better. We continue this legacy with
a deep Congregational commitment to justice, equality,
mercy and compassion. Our work for justice takes many
forms and addresses many areas from environmental
justice to food justice to LGBTQ justice. Our initiatives are
spearheaded by congregants passionate about creating a
heaven for all people on this Earth.

The Social Justice Committee (SJC) is committed to developing opportunities for our Congregation to live out our Unitarian Universalist principles in the broader community. We strive to do these things in a way that is mindful and respectful of our diverse UUCHV community, by increasing awareness and sensitivity to social and environmental justice issues; and by promoting personal responsibility to become the change we want to see in the world. The Social Justice Committee seeks to fulfill its mission by setting annual initiatives which will be conveyed to the Congregation through Education, Advocacy, and Service.