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rites of passage

Life Rituals

The marking of life’s passages and stages is an important part of Unitarian Universalist practice. Rites of Passage mark transitions beginning with birth and ending in death.
The Congregation and the Minister provide rites of passage to contributing members without any fee. The Minister is available for rites of passage for non-members for a fee. Please note that in cases of need, the fees are negotiable.

Dedication or Naming
This celebration marks the birth or adoption of a child and his or her welcome into the family and, when the parents are members of the congregation, into the religious community. The family and community of the child dedicate themselves to supporting and loving the child, helping to raise the child to be their own person. For a private dedication please contact the minister for fee schedule.

Coming of Age
This event marks a young person's entrance into youth. After a course of study, discussion, and mentee-ship, a Unitarian Universalist child writes their credo: a brief articulation of what they believe right now in their lives. This credo is often presented at a Coming of Age ceremony that takes place during worship. The now-youth participate in the service and are blessed in their continued journey by the whole Congregation.

Bridging Ceremony
When a youth graduate from high school and move into the next phase of their life, we celebrate them. This step into adulthood is scary, wonderful, and exciting, no matter what lies ahead for the young person, be it college, work, travel, training, etc. The Bridging Ceremony takes place in the context of a Sunday morning worship when the Congregation as a whole can bless the now-adult and remind them that they always have a home at UUCHV.

Services of Marriage join two persons, whether of the same or opposite sexes, in a lifelong commitment of love. Marriage has both a civil and religious component and the minister has the authority to administer both components. The minister and couple together determine the shape and wording of the service.  Non-members, please contact the minister for fee schedule. 
Funerals and Memorial Services
Funerals and memorials remember a person who has died and provide a time and place for those who survive to grieve. A funeral involves the presence of the body or ashes and burial or internment. A funeral usually occurs soon after death. A memorial service may occur weeks or even months after the death and involve more of the survivors in the service than at a funeral.  Non-members, please contact the minister for fee schedule. 

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