Opportunities for Connection

We believe in, and strive to practice, connecting deeply and openly with others. In doing so we learn to recognize the beauty and the suffering in and around us and how to meet it with compassion, patience, deep listening, and empathy. We learn to appreciate our interconnection to all humans and to all life.
In our congregation, we all participate in activities that sustain a florishing community and, in the process, challenge ourselves to uphold our commitment to one another to listen, be kind, assume good intent, express gratitude, and make space for every person's journey. By practicing what it's like to live with compassion and interconnection we can also face a world that's often difficult and divisive with greater resilence.
sharing with each other
Art Committee
Book Club
Community Circles and religious exploration
Community service and advocacy work
Concerts -- jazz, contemporary
Social Events -- picnics, game nights, pot lucks, coffee hours
Wise Aging
caring for each other
Hospitality Teams
Pastoral care
Rites of Passage -- baby dedications, coming of age, marriage, memorials
Sharing and Caring Committee
Sunday Greeters
fostering our vibrant place
Board of Trustees
Buildings & Grounds Committee
Membership Committee
Pledge Drive Team and Auction Committee
Religious Exploration Advisory Council
Right Relations Team
Worship Committee
Inspired by love, our mission is to seek our true nature, connect deeply and openly, and act for justice.
together we... connect