NURTURINg the spirit
Exploration and Education

Whoever you are, wherever you are from, whatever your faith traditions and philosophies, you have a place here to nurture your spirit, explore your values and beliefs, and live them out in your daily life.
We support each other as each of us embark on our own searches for truth. We are not a proselytizing religion. We are a welcoming community that values sacred, secular and scientific perspectives and fosters an inclusive place where we may cultivate listening, respect, responsibility, personal growth, and a deeper sense of wonder.
exploration for children and youth
We value our children and youth because of their own innate worth as people and because they are the future of our community and our world. As Unitarian Universalists, we do not seek to provide our children with ready-made answers to life's questions in the form of a fixed creed or doctrine. In collaboration with of our families, we seek to provide our children and youth with an environment in which they may grow up with a strong sense of values, morals, religious understanding and identity.
We are committed to offering a Religious Exploration (RE) program which will enrich the lives of our children and youth, helping them to recognize and realize their full potential and build firm foundations for meaningful, ethical lives, always with a holy curiosity. Explore our Religious Exploration programming for young people.
exploration for adults
There are many ways in which we deepen spiritually and find enrichment and meaning within our community -- from Sunday services to monthly Community Circles to visiting speakers and workshops to service in the community to engagement with music and art. At every stage in life -- whatever challenges or joys we may experience -- we find connection, support, empathy, wisdom, inspiration, guidance, sharing, and strength here at UUCHV.
Community Circles -- small groups meeting once per month to discuss a spiritual topic-of-the-month
Welcome classes -- an introduction to Unitarian Universalism and the UUCHV community led by the minister
Worship Associates -- members of the Worship Committee participate in services, work with the minister to design services, and choose guest ministers.
sunday services
Sunday services are an opprtunity to create space for listening and growth, to lift our hearts in song, and to share our joys and sorrows with one another. Inspiration can be found in many places -- the sermon, meditative moments, being together, sunlight in the windows, laughter of children, music. Our services include writing and music from many sources from which we draw wisdom and seek to better understand how to live our values day-to-day.
Who's speaking this next Sunday
What can you expect on sunday mornings.
Inspired by love, our mission is to seek our true nature, connect deeply and openly, and act for justice.
together we... seek