music ministry
Beauty for the Ears

There are many aspects to the Music Ministry at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Hudson Valley. We use music to heighten our spiritual experiences and to intensify our messages of love, compassion, respect for all, and justice. Music is an essential part of our Sunday worship, moving us and inspiring us in ways complementary to the message of the sermon. We know that each person is moved along their spiritual journey in different ways, and that many of us experience music on a direct path to our heart. The music of our congregation nurtures and nourishes its participants and listeners. Singing and listening as one helps us feel connected as a human family. Music deepens our faith and inspires us to live our values.
Every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm, our Congregational Choir meets to practice in the Sanctuary under the direction of our pianist, Blake Rowe. The Choir is open to all; no experience is required. Please join us! For more information or to ask questions, please contact Blake.
Each year, our Music Ministry Team offers three concerts. These events, open to the public, feature local talented musicians. The concerts are free, though we encourage a suggested donation of $20.

Michael Schwartz
*Check out the UUCHV calendar to see when the next meeting is or contact the Committee Chair if you are interested in learning more!