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How can I get involved in Congregational Life?

Committee and team life is at the heart of Congregational Life. Some committees and ministry teams meet monthly, others less frequently. All Committee groups have ownership of some aspect of congregational life. For more information on any of the committees, please CONTACT US or click a link below to

learn more!

Interested in helping out on Sundays? CLICK HERE to become a Greeter or Server!


Presents art exhibitions, hosts art activities, consults on aesthetics matters, and provides decorations for various events throughout the year. The committee endeavors to enrich the lives of members of the Congregation and others in our community, and to share the considerable artistic talent of our congregation and its friends. For more information, please see our page here.


Buddhist Study Group

Every few Sundays, a group meets in the evening to explore and deepen their Buddhist understandings. This is a wonderful place for growth and spiritual development. For more information, CLICK HERE.


Buildings and Grounds

Responsible for maintaining and upgrading facilities including the church building and grounds -- an increasingly challenging job as the Congregation grows and our building ages. For information on how to volunteer CLICK HERE.

Green Sanctuary

The Green Sanctuary Committee is responsible for implementing a program that increases our practice of the Seventh Principle of the UUA in our church, our community and private lives: "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part."  To learn more CLICK HERE.



The Membership Committee is the heart of the Welcoming Ministry at UUCHV. CLICK HERE to learn more.


Music Ministry Team

The Music Ministry Team enriches our experience of worship, of our space, and of our lives through the provision of music during worship, at special events, and through a concert series they offer each year. For more information, please see the Music page under the Worship & Arts section.


Religious Exploration Ministry Team

Children’s and Adult Religious Exploration foster intellectual, moral and spiritual growth using both experiential and classroom models. The R.E. Ministry Team is also responsible for the youth group led by Youth Advisors.  The Director of Religious Exploration is the leader of the Ministry team. For more information on the various offerings of Religious Exploration, please click here.


Sharing and Caring

The purpose of the Sharing and Caring committee is to stay connected and comfort members and friends of the Congregation. CLICK HERE to learn more.


Social Justice

Provides support and assistance for people in need, either by education, direct action or by influencing government policy. To learn more about getting involved CLICK HERE.



Organizes services and works with our minister to ensure programs are tied in to our UU principles and our Congregation's mission statement. For more information on worship, please click here.

Book Discussion Group

Join with other UUCHV members and friends to discuss chosen readings. The discussions are lively and provocative and often expand on the book being read to the sharing of personal experiences inspired by the discussions. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Want to learn more and get involved in our community? 

Fill out this form and we will connect you to the right people!

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