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Small group religious exploration
and connection

Like I said before I LOVE taking photos

For those seeking an additional sphere of connection through which to explore and grow, there are community circles.  

Community Circles have a rich history within the Unitarian Universalist Association -- where they are commonly known as Small Group Ministry. Circles consist of 5-10 people who meet once a month for discussion around monthly themes such as Resilience, Compassion, Acceptance. Through your group, you'll have the opportunity to listen and connect with new people and ideas, and to deepen your spirituality in a new way.

At the beginning of each month participants receive a packet of suggested readings that draw from a diverse range of sources -- secular to religious, prose to poetry to even music and video selections -- all designed to inspire reflection around the month's theme.  Meetings have a formal structure designed to facilitate listening, reflection, and thoughtful sharing.  They provide a supportive group with which to venture out of our comfort zones and preconceptions and to open ourselves to new perspectives. 

Joining a Circle

Various groups meet on different days of the week and during both daytime and evening hours.  Groups usually maintain the same members for at least a year.  Each fall, schedules and group make-up may shift.  Reach out to the Membership Committee about joining an existing group or forming part of a new group at a time that works for your schedule.

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