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The UUCHV Book Club was founded by member Jan Ruotolo in 2003 to provide a place for members to read and share their views on books on a variety of subjects both fiction and non-fiction. The book club meets monthly on an agreed upon Friday at 7:30 in the evening in the home of a member. Each year, book club members recommend two books that they have read previously for the group to read and discuss. One book from the list is selected each month and the person who recommended the book leads the discussion. The discussions are lively and provocative and often expand on the book being read to the sharing of personal experiences inspired by the discussions. All congregational members are welcome to join. There’s plenty of room and we would enjoy getting to know you and learning more about the books that you love.  

*Check out the UUCHV calendar to see when the next meeting is or contact the Group Leader if you are interested in learning more!


Nenette Kress

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